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How to Craft a Stand-Out Streaming Destination in an Overcrowded Market


内容为王:这是媒体和娱乐行业经常听到的一句话. 然而, as an increasing number of streaming services push out high-quality content, 在一个过度饱和的市场上,争夺消费者的注意力变得越来越困难.

内容所有者和版权所有者迫切需要一种竞争优势,使他们脱颖而出, and while it’s content that reels in users, 幕后的技术对于创造用户体验是至关重要的.

这意味着,如果媒体和娱乐公司想要在竞争中生存下来,就必须将他们的内容努力与先进的技术支柱相结合. 利用强大的技术百家乐软件,内容所有者可以专注于他们最擅长的事情——制作独特的内容并将其传递给合适的受众——而技术合作伙伴则处理高级广告的细微差别, 交互性, 推荐引擎, and other capabilities that improve monetization, 吸引用户, 减少流失. 下面, 我们将概述一些关键的技术考虑,这些技术可以帮助公司构建持久的差异化平台.


In the last two years, we’ve seen a notable surge of advertising within streaming. Ads represent a vital revenue model for streaming platforms; in fact, many streamers are intentionally raising subscription prices to encourage more users to convert to cheaper ad tiers, as these tiers have proven more lucrative for content owners.

The rise of advertising influences technology decisions for M&E content owners looking to create streaming destinations that last. Platforms must prioritize scalable ad insertion, 精确的定位, and contextual relevance to align ads with content and enhance viewer engagement. 然而, 平衡广告收益与打造无缝用户体验至关重要. The optimal user experience involves non-intrusive ads, 频率限制, 较短的广告持续时间, and personalized ad content. Enter: advanced advertising capabilities.

高级广告采用传统的广播工作流程,并在附加的流媒体特定功能上分层,以创造尽可能少的破坏性体验. L-bars and picture-in-picture ad formats, 例如, 引入不会打断内容的盈利渠道,并帮助维持盈利和观众满意度之间的微妙平衡.


流媒体平台上增强的交互性仍然是传统有线电视观看的最高价值主张. Interactive features are still largely nascent in the streaming world, but with the right platform technology, 媒体和娱乐品牌可以通过流媒体购物等功能打造独特的用户体验和社区感, 视频的民意调查, 小测验, 游戏, 和聊天.

After a player scores a goal in a livestreamed game, 例如, 该球员的球衣可能会弹出,让用户无需离开直播就可以购买. We see similar methods in the fitness space, 用户可以在哪里购买健身器材,他们的虚拟教练正在上课时进行运动. 还有一些时装秀,用户可以现场购买时装秀造型,也可以在时装秀结束后按需购买. These tactics not only open new revenue streams, but also increase dwell time and foster brand loyalty. 

内容 Recommendation Engines

In an era of seemingly endless options of what to watch, discoverability remains a key challenge for content owners. 这使得, 数据驱动的内容发现算法对于呈现相关产品和推动用户粘性和留存率至关重要.  

基于用户行为数据完善内容推荐的平台在吸引和留住受众方面表现出色. Predictive AI models can be immensely valuable here, 因为它们可以用来预测用户未来流媒体特定内容的可能性.  例如, if a user has watched every cooking competition on a platform, it’s highly likely they’ll watch the newest kitchen showdown when its released. 预测性人工智能模型可以利用这些信息主动推荐新的或未发现的烹饪内容,吸引用户.

战略性地进军正确的发行平台也是提高曝光度的关键. 流媒体的可发现性依赖于“在版面之上”的理念——这是一个借用于纸质报纸的短语. Platforms want their apps and offerings to be above the fold on users’ home screens, as those are still the places that receive the most eyeballs and interaction. 正确的合作伙伴关系可以帮助内容所有者保护这些有价值的数字资产,以提高可发现性.

Strategic Investment in Tech vs. 内容

Media companies are not tech companies, 近年来,我们看到他们越来越倾向于外包后端技术,这样他们就可以将内部百家乐软件集中在内容上. Achieving equilibrium between content production and platform technology is crucial, 两者之间的战略协同作用确保了引人入胜的内容交付,同时又不影响无缝的用户体验. 

像这样, 媒体公司需要与不仅能提供上述关键平台功能的战略技术供应商合作, but also advise business strategy in a tumultuous streaming ecosystem. 有了新技术, 从免费的广告电视(FAST)到新兴的社区功能,有无数种不同的趋势和方法可以吸引用户,但这并不意味着它们适合所有企业. Successful platforms often use multi-distribution strategies, blending on-demand offerings with live linear channels, 专家可以为品牌提供最佳的媒体组合建议,以确保潜在的直接面向消费者的收入流的成功.

Standing out in today’s oversaturated streaming landscape is no easy feat, and while content leads the way, 强大的平台技术是流媒体目的地在竞争中胜出的基础. 通过将内容提供与有竞争力的技术和深思熟虑的商业战略相结合, media and entertainment brands can reap the benefits of advanced advertising, 互动功能, 人工智能推荐引擎和更多,同时创建无缝的用户界面, robust data-driven insights, and agile adaptation to evolving viewer preferences.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from 努力流. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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